Life Breaths Photography is now Amy Buchanan Photography.
The new website can be found at along with the new blog located at

This current blog will remain active but all new posts will be at the new blog. The old website will remain active for a little while longer, but the new site will be updated more frequently thanks to the fabulous website product, ShowIt Sites. My email has also changed to So head on over to the new website and let me know what you think!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mallory Williams ~ Bridal Portraits (Pt 1) ~ Arkansas State Capitol

I first met Mallory a few months ago after her then fiancee, Aaron, became the new worship leader for the Student Ministries at our church, Fellowship Bible Church, in Little Rock. They were married on May 17, 2008. I didn't shoot their wedding since they had already hired someone else. But Mallory was game for a bridal session at the Arkansas State Capitol Building in Little Rock. So on Sunday afternoon we headed to lunch at the awesome Delicious Temptations for some strawberry pancakes (Yum!) and then off to downtown Little Rock.
As you can see I didn't have to work very hard to get beautiful images.

My hands-down favorite image of the day. Click on the image to see it a bit larger.

Stay tuned on Tuesday to see some more images from this gorgeous session. Mallory, I so enjoyed spending the afternoon getting to know you even better. You're as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.



Anonymous said...

beautiful shots!
by the way [from photographer to photographer], i'm planning a bridal shoot here as well. did you have to get special access and if so what did you have to do?

Amy@Life Breaths Photography said...

Hi Liz,
Thanks so much. Just call the State Capitol main office and ask to schedule a bridal portrait session. They're really easy to deal with.