Life Breaths Photography is now Amy Buchanan Photography.
The new website can be found at along with the new blog located at

This current blog will remain active but all new posts will be at the new blog. The old website will remain active for a little while longer, but the new site will be updated more frequently thanks to the fabulous website product, ShowIt Sites. My email has also changed to So head on over to the new website and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Join me on Facebook!

So how many of you have jumped on the Facebook wagon? I have to admit I've only been on for maybe a year or less, but it's too cool. I have a personal profile under Amy Buchanan in Little Rock, Arkansas and also a group for Life Breaths Photography which you should join and invite your friends as well! So look me up and I will add you as a friend. Mention in the comments you're one of my favorite blog readers. :)

Some of the top photographers in the country are on Facebook as well like Jessica Claire, MeRa Koh, Laura Novak and Crystal Goss. It's a great way to connect with not only friends but business acquaintances as well.

Can't wait to meet you! If you're not on Facebook and don't intend to be, leave me some great comments here. Would love to hear from you out there in blog-land.

Since this is a photography blog after all, here are a cute baby pics from recent sessions.

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