Life Breaths Photography is now Amy Buchanan Photography.
The new website can be found at along with the new blog located at

This current blog will remain active but all new posts will be at the new blog. The old website will remain active for a little while longer, but the new site will be updated more frequently thanks to the fabulous website product, ShowIt Sites. My email has also changed to So head on over to the new website and let me know what you think!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Website Update!

I've been working on a website overhaul for a while but not quite ready to release the changes. In the midst of the updates, the live website decided to quit behaving. I tried putting it in time-out but then it just stopped working altogether. That figures.

So to show it who's boss I had to push some of the changes. Yeah, I really showed it, huh?

You will notice a different logo, different colors, and some new images. I'm still in the process of updating the images (which is what caused the major problem to begin with), so stay tuned for that.

Some additions:
A link for Client Galleries from the intro page
Session Pricing update

If you've tried visiting the website and just couldn't get it to work, I am so sorry! But please try again and keep coming back for new updates.

Also, I'm already booking quite a few Fall Sessions, so if you're thinking about getting your session in time for Christmas, please contact me soon. The last weekend to get your portraits in time for Christmas is November 16th.

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