Life Breaths Photography is now Amy Buchanan Photography.
The new website can be found at along with the new blog located at

This current blog will remain active but all new posts will be at the new blog. The old website will remain active for a little while longer, but the new site will be updated more frequently thanks to the fabulous website product, ShowIt Sites. My email has also changed to So head on over to the new website and let me know what you think!

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Favorite Canvas Vendor in the whole world! (Pixel2Canvas)

A couple of weeks ago I ordered my first two canvases from this amazing company, Pixel2Canvas. When I opened the box and pulled away the wrapping all I could say was "Wow!" Seriously, I've ordered some other canvases before that were much more expensive, but they can't hold a candle to how beautiful Pixel2Canvas canvases are. And I wish I could show you the two I ordered, but they are for an art show/sale at my church next week. So they're a surprise until then!

But tonight I placed 2 more canvas orders. One is for a surprise birthday party so I can't share it yet either. Sorry! But...don't despair.....I can show you the other one...well, at least the image.
Little Zoe will have her precious picture hanging on her parents' wall in a few weeks.

To get a little better idea of the amazing work Pixel2Canvas offers, a fellow (and amazing) photographer, Carrie Schumacher of San Diego Barefoot Memories, put together a great image of the different types of canvases and was kind enough to share it with me for a donation to the wonderful organization Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (more on NLMDTS later!). I will have more of canvas info on the website soon.
I personally love the Gallery Wrap. It has a thicker edge than a standard wrap plus the image itself can wrap around the edges. They've even started carrying a gallery wrap with a 2-1/2 inch deep edge! I can't wait to order one of those.

If you would like to purchase a canvas using an image of one your previous sessions, please let me know. I will be happy to do so. Also keep the holidays in mind. These beautiful canvases will make beautiful Christmas gifts. Just make sure to allow enough time to order them. They will take about 4-6 weeks, so the deadline to order one for Christmas will be November 21st.

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