After coming home from Thanksgiving, I headed to Dallas for a couple of days to babysit 9 (yes, I said 9) puppies for my friends. Why, might you ask?
Well, they had somewhere pretty special to be...the White House!
Jerry is a phenomenal landscape painter which could be a bit tricky painting a small round ornament, but I think he did a magnificent job! If you look closely, you can see a tiny white chapel in the background.
While they were attending the artist reception in D.C., I was babysitting the 9 little bundles of joy and their 6 adult counterparts. I didn't take my camera so I don't have any pics of the sweet furballs. Sorry!
Here's a picture of a piece I purchased from Jerry for my dad a few years ago. It is still my absolute favorite one he has done. It is an elk standing in Odessa Lake in Colorado. To see more of Jerry's work visit