Life Breaths Photography is now Amy Buchanan Photography.
The new website can be found at along with the new blog located at

This current blog will remain active but all new posts will be at the new blog. The old website will remain active for a little while longer, but the new site will be updated more frequently thanks to the fabulous website product, ShowIt Sites. My email has also changed to So head on over to the new website and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A White House Christmas | Jerry Malzahn Art

After coming home from Thanksgiving, I headed to Dallas for a couple of days to babysit 9 (yes, I said 9) puppies for my friends. Why, might you ask?
Well, they had somewhere pretty special to be...the White House!
Jerry Malzahn was asked to paint an ornament for the White House Christmas tree. The theme for this year's decorations was "A Red, White and Blue Christmas".
Jerry is a phenomenal landscape painter which could be a bit tricky painting a small round ornament, but I think he did a magnificent job! If you look closely, you can see a tiny white chapel in the background.

While they were attending the artist reception in D.C., I was babysitting the 9 little bundles of joy and their 6 adult counterparts. I didn't take my camera so I don't have any pics of the sweet furballs. Sorry!

Here's a picture of a piece I purchased from Jerry for my dad a few years ago. It is still my absolute favorite one he has done. It is an elk standing in Odessa Lake in Colorado. To see more of Jerry's work visit

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